Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Its halfway through the 1 week school holiday. The days are going so fast!!
Its seems like the days are not enough to spend with the loved ones here. huhu..
However, it is soo good to be back! And its gonna be soo hard to go back to KL!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Yo.. wassup.. (",)
Well, guess what.
Since we had a week holiday, and the routine activity during the holiday was sleep and eat ONLY.
So, we had this GERKO OLAHRAGA this morning with En. Dahlan.
We were thought how to train the 4x100m sport for about 1 hour?
So, after all the running here and there, passing batons, etc., its time to go back to class.
Guess what, my thigh and stomach muscle aches when I climb or going down the staircase. hahahha...
Its so obvious I'm so so out of shape because of the holiday. lol..
Goodness me.. ;)

Monday, August 3, 2009


Am back at Condo Seri Mas now.
I left it last saturday.
I missed it, I didn't even know that I actually missed it. hihi
I came home, see the spaces in the house, the room, the bathroom, the occupants.. And it feels so good to be 'home'. ♥ wheww.. What a relief.. :)
So, tomorrow is Monday.. jengjengjeng... :D